Brand Photography: Capturing Mindfulness with Breathing Space Creative

Woman stands with her eyes closed looking serene against a background of lush greenery

Breathing Space Creative (BSC) is all about helping busy professionals find the room to manage everything with joy: pushing away burnout and pulling in happiness.

I had the pleasure of working with Chelene on creating new branding images for her business! Chelene is the founder of BSC, a published author, an editor, and a Creative Balance Coach. She was looking for a new set of branding images to use across her business (including website, socials, and other marketing) to showcase her newer role of a Creative Balance Coach, to attract aligned clients, and to showcase the services she offers, especially her new coaching program.

Creating images for service providers vs product businesses

If you’re a service provider, you can't rely solely on product photos and a portrait for your About Me page. Service-based businesses have the unique opportunity to think outside the box and create images that really capture their brand personality.

As a solo business owner, the line between you and your business is often blurred - which is where creativity, fun and strategy comes in!

Pre-shoot strategy sessions help distill what themes and images make sense for your service-based business. During a strategy session, we explore key questions to ensure we capture the right images including:

  • How do I want clients to feel when they work with me?

  • What does it look like to work with me?

  • How can I convey the various values of my business through photography?

  • What are my business goals, and what images will help me achieve them in my upcoming marketing?

By going through these questions, together we create a plan to capture images that not only reflect your business but also resonate with your audience, helping you stand out in your industry.

The Goal of Branding Photography for Breathing Space Creative

With many years experience working with writers, Chelene’s goal is to expand her audience and connect additionally with other communities including those in the mental health field.

As a certified mindfulness facilitator, Chelene wanted her images to reflect the mindfulness approach that BSC offers. These images would be used across her brand as a whole, and in particular for marketing her new coaching program ‘Thrive Coaching’.

Strategizing for the Perfect Shoot

During our strategy call, we outlined several key concepts to capture in the shoot:

Focused Work Moments: scenes of Chelene deeply engaged in tasks, undistracted by her surroundings.

Everyday Authenticity: capturing real, unposed moments that feel candid and genuine.

Incorporating Tools: featuring notepads, computers and other daily tools.

Rituals and Routines: that would showcase BSC’s core values including energy, balance, thriving, creativity, and mindfulness.

Rituals and routines we decided to capture included: writing by candlelight, exploration, water and fluidity, and the ‘palette cleanser jar’: a glass jar filled with notes that highlight different small refreshing activities for quick breaks and fresh starts - such a great concept - spot this one below!


Image highlights

Woman sits serenely on velvet chair with both hands on heart and eyes closed
Close up image of a hand holding a glass jar labelled 'mindset reset'
Woman sits sideways on couch looking out of the window peacefully.
Woman sits looking out of a window observing the outside. You don't see her face just the back of her.
Woman's hands holding a mug that has the words 'breathing space creative' written on it.
Woman is sitting at a table with a journal infront of her. She is lighting a candle with a match and about to start her ritual of journaling by candlelight.
Woman walks into the distance. She's wearing a beautiful long colourful skirt and a brimmed hat. She's walking down a path and into green abundant nature.

Here’s how the new branding images are being used


Instagram feed


Video cover image


Pop-up website page


Website service page: The Thrive Coaching Program


Are you ready to create your own set of brand images? Get in touch below!


About Maxine

I'm a photographer based in Vancouver, and my mission is to support impact-driven entrepreneurs in aligning their visuals with their values. Say goodbye to the days of inconsistent and uninspiring images that do nothing to reflect who you truly are or the massive impact you're making. Together, we'll create visuals that authentically express your values, forge deep connections with your audience, and unleash the full force of your incredible potential.


Branding shoots are not just taking photos! 3 things that go down before shoot day


Revamp your ‘About Me’ page with The Bio Boost Kit