Branding Photos for a Career Coach


“I’m looking for images to use for my marketing and on a new website. I’m a Career Coach and I’d like photography that gives prospective clients an idea of what it’s like to work with me.”

Tara is passionate about what she offers: helping people find work that makes their heart sing. I was really excited when she reached out to me to do a business branding session to help bring her business to life!

Solo-run service-based businesses provide such a great opportunity to really dive into what makes the business tick, the personality of who is behind the business, their interests, the processes used and more.

First, The Strategy Call

Strategy calls are an opportunity to distinguish what images to create to allow prospective clients an idea of what it’s like to work with Tara.

We ran through questions around everything from:

  • Tara’s business goals

  • The values that are key to how the business is run

  • Any specific marketing messages planned for the next 6-12 months

  • And as Tara has a brand new website, we looked at what images would go with what pages on the website

What Images Did We Decide To Capture And Why?

“When you’re doing work that is so personal you want to have a sense in advance of who you’re connecting with and that you’re in a place of trust. Photography enables the beginning of that relationship.”

We decided to focus on these areas with the business branding photography:

  1. Tara’s process of working virtually with a client: what the process looks like, the care and detail that goes into client work, and how clients can expect to be guided through into a new chapter of their career

  2. Tara’s morning routine and what sets her up for the day: to create relatability and a peek into her world

  3. Moments in nature: Tara spends a lot of time connecting with the abundance of nature in her home city of Vancouver, B.C.

Tara is a very intuitive person, so easy to connect with, and brings play into her life and her career coaching. Check out some of the business branding images we created!



Celebrating a year of business portraits in the studio!


Creating Images for a Business Coach to Match her Brand Personality