Business Portrait Session on location in Vancouver


Kyle here was looking for a set of business portraits that would hit 3 goals: 

  • Speak to the work he has done in the community

  • Show him in an urban setting

  • Speak to his executive style of communication

Kyle had come to me for a set of business portraits three years prior to use to update his LinkedIn, website and general online presence. We created images that were made in a studio, and had a light, bright feel to them.

This time he was after representing different sides of his personality for a new website he is working on for new work in diversity and inclusion. He wanted to shoot on location, in the areas where some of his work is carried out.

Having scouted the area a few days before I’d found some great spots to shoot in: urban, brick, a few spots with greenery and clean lines. On the day of our session, we used an additional spot that had the most amazing diffused light coming through from the morning sun where we started off (this photo to the left!).

We ended up visiting eight locations during the hour’s session including the community dental clinic that Kyle spearheaded in setting up in 2010. Look out for ‘Kyle’s corner’ painted on the wall!

Here are a few of the final images: 



Are you looking to create images that help you share about the work you’re doing?

Connect with me here and let’s chat about your vision:


In-Studio vs On-Location Business Portrait Session


Health + Wellness: Images to Showcase Vancouver Based Holistic Nutritionist