Capturing your dream clients attention with magical marketing


I’m so excited to introduce you to Hope! Hope is the founder of creative agency, Unicorn Marketing, and is all about infusing marketing with a touch of magic. Learn about her approach to working with small businesses, how to capture your dream client’s attention, and why the ‘about’ page on your website is so powerful. Speaking of which, read to learn all about our new collaboration, designed especially for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and all small businesses : 'The Bio Boost Kit'!


Hi Hope! Can you share a bit about yourself and about Unicorn Marketing?

Hey, I’m Hope and as a marketing geek, I somehow have a hard time talking about myself. The most important thing about me that I think is relevant here, is that I put a high value on the relationships in my life. 

I’m really excited to be collaborating with Maxine for ‘The Bio Boost Kit’ offering. We are definitely kindred spirits, and I feel that our values in our personal lives and that translate into our businesses align harmoniously. 

Unicorn Marketing is a creative agency based in Vancouver (technically North Vancouver, hehe), that supports small to medium-sized businesses, non-profit organizations and creative entrepreneurs all across North America. I like to say that at Unicorn, we make marketing feel magical. 

What kind of clients do you love to work with?

At Unicorn Marketing Co, we love working with “creative entrepreneurs”. This can look different for every single person. If you are following your passion creatively - however that may look - then we’ll probably get along just fine. From linocut printmakers to wedding photographers, to jewelry designers and fitness coaches, to experiential retreat hosts, we’re here for you.

A lot of our past and present clients can relate as they have e-commerce stores of some varying degree. Sometimes, even a brick and mortar storefront - which is even more fun for content creation! Our mission statement is, “Through empathy-driven co-creation, imaginative problem solving and conscious brand building, we create strategies that ignite the innovation already in you.” This pretty much sums it up! 


What’s the experience like for a client of working with Unicorn Marketing in 5 words?

Comfortable like talking to a close friend. Oops, that’s a little more than 5 words! 

Why is this offer we’ve put something that will be helpful to small businesses, freelancers, solopreneurs and entrepreneurs?

I’m really excited about The Bio Boost Kit, as it is a fantastic way for freelancers, solopreneuers, entrepreneurs, the whole bit - to feel comfortable sharing part of their business’s workload with outside support. 

Being in the service provider industry, I know first hand how difficult it can be 1) find trustworthy, honest people to support your big, amazing goals,  2) to source outside support that honours heart-centered and ethically conscious values, and 3) have a consistent experience with best practices in the storytelling world.

All too often do we come across scary stories to be told around a campfire of taking an online course that promised overnight success, or sourcing a copywriter off Upwork that did not implement SEO practices into a blog’s backend (to name a few).

Through this introductory priced offering, you’re going to find out how wonderful it is to lean on Maxine, myself, and my team, and know that you’ll soon have consistent, strategy focused results creatively designed just for you! 

Why is having a great about me page important?
It takes less than 0.5 seconds for a user to form an opinion of whether they like your site, or not, or whether they will stay or leave. That’s all the time you have to capture your dream client’s attention. 

The first click I place when browsing a new-to-me business’s website, is their about page. I’m looking to discover the heart and soul of this business, to find out what kind of energy translates into their success. Humanizing your brand by showing your beautiful face, the history of how all this magic came to be, as well as who your team is, means everything to your dream client. It’s also important to note that your about me page shouldn’t be SOLELY about you and your business - but a simultaneous awareness of your offering and how you are solving your dream client’s problems with your products or services. 

As a consumer of many things, clothing, podcasts, experiences, etc, for me it is important to know what kind of ethics and guidelines a business may align with. Does this company reference living wages and pay transparency? Does this business source their materials locally or produce products transparently in a vetted factory setting? Where did the name for this business originate from, and what’s the backstory? These are just a sample of questions that you can answer on your About Me page. 


How do you define magic and apply it in your life and work?

Picture a high school aged version of me with unruly pink curls and a giant purse full of $1 store trinkets, bubbles, and yes, a foam sword.. Somehow that version of me floated through adulthood, university, different careers, and relationships, to be this version of me today. Not to be “cheesy”, but I do believe in finding the not-so-toxic positive linings of each experience, both in my work and personal life. There is magic to be found everywhere we look, we just have to keep our hearts open and try to remain rooted in the present moment. 

If there’s anything else you’d like to share or answer, please feel free to add in here!

Surprise! I have a podcast! The Magic Hour Podcast is an intentional space where we can show up to let our curiosity drive inclusive, empowering conversations about marketing, design, entrepreneurship, and socially conscious topics. You can find the Magic Hour wherever you listen to podcasts … and stay tuned for our next featured guest, Maxine! 

Over on our blog, our team is passionate about sharing resources related to all things marketing, branding, and design. We like to think of our blog as a fun way of saying hello and learning something new each week - yes, every single week! If you join our email list, you’ll receive a nudge in your inbox every Thursday to explore a super fun topic. 

Find Unicorn Marketing:, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Facebook, and Threads


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