Capturing Trust, Warmth and Happiness - Branding Photography for Home Care Agency


Meet Hero Home Care. A home care agency for seniors to live life on their terms, in the comfort of their own homes. “Happy humans and healthy communities” is their tagline!

Hero Home Care was created in the middle of the pandemic by its two founders, Danny and Elizabeth, who had previously worked together in the industry. Their experiences opened their eyes to the importance of creating a business that has connection, transparency and trust as a foundation.

Currently based in B.C for the moment, Hero Home Care’s goal is to become a national brand, with Trust being front and centre of the organisation.

They understood that bringing Hero Home Care to life through customized images is a powerful way to help position themselves as a trustworthy business, and a way to strengthen their brand image and speak to both potential clients and employees. Home Care is such a personal and delicate service for all involved. When someone is looking for support for a loved one, it can be really difficult and confusing to sift through different businesses and know which to trust, and which ones not just talk the talk, but walk the walk too.

This is where brand photography can make such a difference. Brand photography doesn’t just help to show the work a business does, but also shares the experience of what it is like to experience the work they do. It’s a meaningful way to show the people who make up the business, and for a potential client, what it might look like for them or their loved one to receive care.

On a personal note…having had experience of sifting through many care options at home in the UK, I can tell you that there were absolutely agencies that I found online, and dismissed almost immediately because they didn’t have any images of them, their team, clients, processes and services, and instead were using stock imagery across their website. How on earth was I supposed to get insight into or trust a company that wasn’t portraying who THEY were? With a service like home care, that’s so delicate and personal, creating transparency and laying the foundation for trust for potential clients is beyond key! When you’re looking for help for your loved one(s) you need to feel like you have some idea who you’re talking to, and what the help you’re looking for looks like. You need to see what the experience of that help is.

The Photo Shoot

We visited the homes of two of Hero Home Care’s clients and captured different elements of what it looked like from both sides: for those receiving care and for those giving care. The images were based on the pages of their website that showcase the different services that are offered. Here are a few of the scenes that we captured:

  • The caregiver sitting with the client and explaining their services

  • Checking the client’s blood pressure

  • Helping the client up the stairs to the front door

  • Going for a walk together

  • The carer making the bed

  • Combing the clients hair

  • Building a bouquet of flowers

  • Conversations on the couch

We also got images of the Hero Home Care team together, along with photos of their (new!) branded cars.

Check out below some of the images that we captured during the day, and see them in action over at Hero Home Care.



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Branding Photography ~ AtSource Recycling's Brand Transformation