Client Spotlight: Photographing A Feeling With Tourism Vancouver


Over the winter, I worked with Tourism Vancouver on a selection of photography that can be used to promote winter and holiday activities in Vancouver. 

The objective of the photos was to bring out the feeling and vibe that is representative of Vancouver, and in the holidays too - we wanted to evoke community, family, connection and special moments. We concentrated on three activities: The Aurora at the PNE, Bright Lights at Stanley Park, and the Ice Rink at Robson Square. All magical and full of people enjoying time together!

Tourism Vancouver does an incredible job of positioning the city as somewhere that inspires people to live and visit with passion. The multi-dimensional, ever-evolving nature of Vancouver is a focus, as is nature, culture, food and art. Above all though - the feeling of the city and place is throughout the images they tell Vancouver’s story with. 


Are you ready to create intentional visuals to tell the story of your brand? I work with businesses to distinguish the right stories and capture intentional and engaging images. Get in touch and let’s talk about your brand! 


How to prepare for your family or group photography session


Two businesses that use photography to their advantage