#WeTravel - Ed

Ed, UK

"I once did a wee off a tower.  I was in Surfers Paradise in Australia during the IndyCar races, and after a few drinks my friend and I thought it would be a good idea to climb one of the really high TV towers.  By the time we got to the top we both needed a wee so we did it onto the track from above. 

My next holiday is to Japan - Tokyo, Kyoto and probably Mount Fuji as well.  My favourite author writes about Japan.  It seems so other wordly and so completely different.  The culture and etiquette fascinates me and Tokyo as such a brightly lit city is such a contrast from where I grew up in the countryside.  I want to find out what makes people live there and if they live there for the money or the culture.  You hear about all the little pockets of subsets that are huge out there like the kids who are really into their manga and go to the parks dressed up as anime characters.  I hope I'll get loads of photos, stories and a good understanding of what the heartbeat there is like."


Travel Photography Exhibition News


#WeTravel - Sally