#WeTravel - Giles


Giles, UK

"I lived in Canada and Australia.  In Australia I did some grape picking and window cleaning.  I was an agriculture student at the time so I was learning how to do various tasks on the farm.  I spent a lot of time in Canada and then an equal amount of time in Cornwall to compare the traditional farming there to the extensive farming in Canada.  In Canada it was mainly rearing bulls, and then selling them on as breeding bulls. There was I guess a 25% retention of land up there, so for every four acres of land you had you could only farm one acre each year: you had to have a lot of land to have a relatively small farm. So a lot of it was crop cultivation to feed the bulls that we were rearing.

I'd say my favourite country is absolutely England.  Why? Because it's home." 


#WeTravel - Toby


#WeTravel - George