#WeTravel - 40 Portraits & Counting

Over the past few months I've spoken to the 40 lovely people below about travel. They've talked to me about their travel experiences such as what it's like to live in a different country, funny things that have happened to them whilst away, hopes for future adventures, fears about moving to another country, what they love, what they want to learn, how travel plays a part in their lives and how the people they've met have changed their view of the world.  It's been so insightful and interesting to find out how all of our lives are woven around exploring - whether on a grand scale across countries and continents, or a smaller scale across cities in our own country.  Whilst holidays and travel are on the whole accessible for those I spoke to from the west, it is much more of an investment in both money, emotion and planning for those I spoke to whilst in China and Myanmar.  Everyone I've had the pleasure of talking to agree on one thing though – travel and understanding of different cultures is the best way to bridge the gap between people and countries.  I'm excited for the next 40 portraits!


#WeTravel - Adrian


#WeTravel - Nick