A quick holiday...

I vacated the country last month for 10 glorious days.  First stop - Amsterdam.  A trip when I was 11 was full of tulips, windmills and canal boats.  This time there were still canal boats but my eyes were opened to the other delights this beautiful city holds.  Walking miles each day through the cobbled streets and glancing through windows into houses, shops, restaurants and galleries, there is a distinctive focus on interior design, and it's totally chic, laid-back and cool. There's no glaring advertising anywhere either which is refreshing and seems to make the whole city calmer.  Apart from the infamous red light district which is beyond reality...

There was Van Gogh, yoga, fro-yo, belly laughs, cocktails, dancing, food, bikes, gouda cheese (so much gouda...), and a big giant love for this Dutch city where everyone is on time all the time.  Amsterdam - TICK for yes

Well I went to Cologne in the middle but my camera saw all of the insides of my suitcase and all I have are a few smutty photos on my phone.  But Spain, lovely hot Mallorca was the final stop, and it welcomed me with delicious 32 degrees heat.  Behold below the beautiful home I was staying in, a family members wonderful artist studio that a set designer couldn't have dream of and a Spanish cat sunning himself.


Rococo Chocolates


Climb any Mountain