ACHICA behind the scenes

ACHICA launched a new TV and print advertising campaign today!  The adverts depict ACHICA customers with beautiful items they've found in incongruous surroundings; the core message being that you can *discover* new brands and great deals wherever you can get online.

Filming took place over three days and I went along to the final day for a behind the scenes peek at the making of.  First up was an office worker who'd found a hammock online at ACHICA whilst she was at work, which was fun to film and the lovely Aurelie was great at being told to move a foot slightly to the left, her head a little to the right to get the positioning on the swinging hammock just right.

We had Emma up next who had found a mirror whilst she was on a bus on the way to work.  There was a great London bus (used for open top tours before it was retired) that we had brought in, rigged up with lighting and cameras and lots of other techie gadgets, filming whilst driving around west London.

I do have a few more shots from another scene filmed that day but until the next ad comes out click HERE to discover how this ad came out!

Oh, and look *very* closely for a guest appearance from me...hint: look out for the red hair!

RSACHICA advert-7664
RSACHICA advert-7664
RSACHICA advert-7670
RSACHICA advert-7670
RSACHICA advert-7837
RSACHICA advert-7837

100% Design


National Literacy Trust