National Literacy Trust

I was asked to take some more pictures for the National Literacy Trust, for an All Party Parliamentary Literacy group which was taking place in the Houses of Parliament.  This was my second trip to the H of P (I was there a while ago to take pictures of an NLT event with children’s author Cressida Cowell), and I love the maze of very different rooms that are inside this iconic building.  The committee room we were in this time had the most amazing walls and oil paintings *decadent swoon*.

The debate was on youth literacy and employability, and panels had on them various figures in the education, business and publishing worlds including Penguin Random House and First News.  Groups of 15 year old students were taking part too, and they made some really interesting points about how you just don’t get taught many important career skills when you’re at school, or how to behave and project yourself in the real world.  They had taken part in an extra curriculum programme where they’d got taught things such as body language in an interview and confidence in public speaking.

There were lots of photos of the panel discussion but my favourite one is this one below as it shows the majestic setting.


ACHICA behind the scenes


Rutting Season