FLIGHT at Surrey City Hall


FLIGHT, had its third showing at Surrey City Hall as part of the 'Surrey Welcomes Refugees' event this week on 20th July.

The exhibition, (which you can read all about here!) first opened in April, and is the work of 10 talented individuals who have recently arrived in Vancouver from Iraq, Iran, Myanmar, Thailand and Afghanistan.

After taking part in workshops, participants were given cameras and spent a number of weeks documenting their experiences in Canada, and it is so interesting to see different focuses and styles: from nature to symmetry, and people observation to a focus on the colour blue.

Here are a few pics taken at the exhibition at the Surrey City Hall (and the building and light in it is amazing - check out the beautiful high ceiling with metal bird artwork up high). Also, there's a photo of me and Kat with Laura Mannix from DiverseCity, one of the settlement agencies where some of the participants came from:



Join the 3rd installment of this chapter: check out the follow-up photography workshop series done with a group of Abbotsford City Arts Council and a group of youth from the area!


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TEDxEastVan - Speakers & Photo booth