What's up?!


It's been very quiet here on the blog, and on my website as a whole. It's not to say I'm not busy doing things, rather I'm busy doing things that aren't photography related. Since my last blog post (nearly 7 months ago...yikes how time has ZIPPED since then!!) I have started a new job that I love, been back to visit family and friends in England and France, moved houses, taken on developing myself as a personal development coach, done a dance course (Beyonce - whuuuut), met family who I'd never met before who live here in Canada, found a breast lump which was thankfully cleared and a reminder how important it is to check for lumps regularly, collected a jungle of plants for the new place, and met a whole HEAP of amazing people doing incredible things with their lives. 

And now I'm ready to get amped up again with photography because I've taken some photos recently and it's got me reconnected to how much I LOVE capturing people!

So with that in mind, here are a few photos from the past 6 months from the UP Conference, the SIETAR Unconference, Spring's Tech 101, and Shop the Blogger.

UP Conference (more details on homepage):


SIETAR Unconference (more details on homepage):


Spring's Tech101:


Shop the Blogger:


Oops how did that get in here? :)

So in summary, I am SO looking forward to working on some new exciting photography projects. Until soon! :)


The Raise Collective - changing the ratio of female investors


FLIGHT at Surrey City Hall