#WeTravel - Joel

Joel, UK

"When I go away I miss my friends, the places I like to hang out, my dog Sheena, my home comforts, my bed, my wardrobe, my mum, my sisters.  Is that enough?

I worked on a Costa cruise ship doing musical theatre in a variety of shows for 9 months.  We went a lot around the Med to places in Europe and Croatia and then we did the Red Sea, crossing over to Romania, Ukraine, Jordan, Egypt and Israel.  It was an interesting experience and I’m glad I did it.  I learnt a lot and grew up a lot and I got to see places in the world I wouldn’t necessarily have seen.  It’s given me a bug to want to go and travel. You don't really have the chance to explore when you’re just there for the day.  The next thing I want to do is inter-railing around Europe and really see the inside-out of places as opposed to ‘oh I’ve got to rush back to the ship for 5 o’clock’."




Courtesy of the Red, White & Blue